Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Trust God in 2018, Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust God in 2018

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Daughters, a new year has begun. The older you get, and you are getting old, you find that a holiday, a birthday or a new year doesn't make that much difference; the days come and the days go and life flies on by... But know this, a new event or experience or year is an opportunity to make needed changes in your life. Whether it is going away to school, starting a new job or even getting married, they are points in time that you can utilize to spark a new direction in your life. A new year is just that kind of event.

A and K, as you begin 2018, purpose in your heart to trust the Lord. Do so with all of your heart mind, soul and strength, your complete being. Forget what the world around you pushes you to think. It may Facebook or Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, YouTube or Vimeo. They push each of us to embrace the ways of the world around us. Don't get me wrong, they can be and are used for good, but as you use them, evil is right there beside you trying to suck you in (Romans 7:21). 

So, what are you to do? It may be necessary to take a break from social media. It may be that you just give it up all together. The first is a good idea and the second, unlikely. But, what is certainly a requirement with social media as with all other areas of life, "in all your ways acknowledge him". Then, the Lord will guide you down the straight and narrow road of life where you will be content, satisfied with life.

Ladies, live for the Lord in 2018!
