Thursday, August 31, 2017

Be Humble, Proverbs 25:6

Be Humble

Proverbs 25:6 Do not exalt yourself in the king's presence, and do not claim a place among great men.

It is easy to be proud. Pride is like sin, I am at its center. Man wanted to be like God and Satan deceived them (technically in 1 Timothy it say it was Eve who was deceived not Adam, 2:14) They decided to step up and sit next to God and rule their own lives. They knew how it was to be done, things would be much better if they would control their own destiny. Oh, how wrong they were!

Proverbs is full of admonitions telling us to flee pride and to live humbly. In this scenario a man seeks to be one of the important people. He wanted to cozy up to the boss, get in with the top dogs, he was going to prove how great he was. The next verse tells of the downfall of this mindset... if you try to exalt yourself you are in danger of being humiliated before everyone. It would be better and a more lasting recognition if you allow the leader to lift you up and present you before everyone as special.

K and A, it is totally fine to strive for leadership. Godly leaders in our world are rare and sorely needed. I believe each of you have qualities that will make you good leaders. I do not know to whom God is calling you, but if you remain faithful to him and his Word, he will guide you and you will lead others. Paul says that setting your heart on being a leader is a noble venture, (1 Timothy 3:1) worthy of the effort. So, be humble, learn and meditate on God's Word, and live in faith, love, and holiness with propriety (2:15), then others will recognize your abilities and place you among the great!


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