Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bless Your Enemy, Proverbs 24:17 & 18

Bless Your Enemy

Proverbs 24:17 & 18 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him.

How can you love an enemy? Isn't the very essence of an enemy someone who is against you, someone who desires your demise? This person hates you and wishes you ill. It is natural to despise them. When they attack, fighting back is normal. If we do not stand up for ourselves who will?!

But this is contrary to the way of Christ. Christ says that we must love our enemy, to do good to those that hate us (Luke 6:27). That may be true, but how far must we take this loving? Sure, we shouldn't lash out, but wouldn't it be okay to take pleasure in what God is doing. He's the one who said it for him to avenge (Deut 32:35), so he is the one who is punishing them. I'm just agreeing with him.

K and A, when God is punishing others, he is doing it to draw them back to himself. He does not do it out of spite or with any evil motives. He desires all to come to him and be made right and pure (1 Tim 2:4). Therefore daughters, When your enemy trips and falls, do not rejoice and say... you got what you deserve. Instead, lift them up. God may be trying to use you to reach their souls and bring them home. After all, you would be in the same condition, if God had not sent someone to you. Desire the best for others, especially your enemy.


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