Thursday, June 1, 2017

Woe 6: Keys to Knowledge, Luke 11:53

Keys to Knowledge

Luke 11:53 Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were.

As Jesus ends his tirade on the Pharisees and experts in the law, he lets them know that they are a hindrance to the kingdom. Their pompous attitudes and false demeanor became an obstacle to the people to reaching out to God. Proverbs says that knowledge is from the Lord (Pr 2:6). When the Pharisees stole the keys to knowledge, what they really stole was the way to God. The ones who were to lead people to God were keeping the people from him.

The church, the people of God, hold the keys to the kingdom today. We have the responsibility to open doors that lead others to Christ. When we give this knowledge to others they will not see us but will see the one we hold up for all to gaze upon.

A and K, the Pharisees held the keys to heaven as you do now. They not only kept others out, they themselves would not enter the His rest (Hebrews 4:3). It makes me happy that both of you have enter his rest, but that is not enough. It is my prayer that each of you help others find his rest also. You hold the keys to the knowledge of Christ and his forgiveness and the new life that is possible in him. Open that door and let others in.


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