Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Woe 5: Held Responsible, Luke 11:47 - 51

Held Responsible

Luke 11:51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.

Abel was killed by his brother Cain. Out of jealously, he made plans to get rid of his brother despite being warned by God to master the sin that was tempting him. Bitterness and jealously caused him to kill his righteous brother for Abel showed the proper way to please God.

Zechariah was a prophet to the people of Israel around the time of the restoration, the return to their land from the Babylonian captivity. He encouraged the people to return to the Lord by carrying out his decrees. Who do preform all your righteous acts for, for your selves or for God? he asked. He instructed them according to the word of the Lord on the ways to live and please God.

From Abel to Zechariah, from A to Z, from beginning to end the people killed those whom God sent to teach and train them on how to live and please him. Jesus told the Pharisees and experts of the law that they were as responsible as those who actually did the killing. In fact, it wouldn't be long until they met together in their courts to condemn Jesus to die. They would send the ultimate prophet, God's son, to his death.

A and K, will you listen to the prophets and follow their guide on how to live and please God? Will you follow the way of God's perfect prophet, Jesus, and do as he commands. To love Jesus is to obey his commands (1 John 5:2 & 3). When you do not follow his ways, it is you that crucifies him and woe to you if you don't for you will be held responsible! Yet, if you do follow God's word from Abel, who did what was right and acceptable in God's sight (Gen 4:7), if you follow the decrees he gave for him and not for yourselves, like Zechariah warned (Zech 7:5 & 6), and if you love Christ by obeying his commands, as Jesus said, you will be accepted by God and he will make his home with you! (John 14:23) Not only will you please him, but you will honor me as well.


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