Sunday, July 21, 2019

Be Aware For Adversries, 1 Kings 11:13

Be Aware Of Adversaries

1 Kings 11:13 Then the Lord raised up against Solomon, an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom,

Hadad was an Edomite. They were descendants of Esua. Yes, that's right, the brother to Jacob. The Edomites were an enemy to Israel. Joab had tried to eliminate all the men of Edom, but this man Edom had escaped as a boy to Egypt. Hearing that King David had died, he purposed to avenge his family.

K and A, I say all this to make sure you know that not all will be peaches and cream, peanut butter and jelly, or cake and ice cream. Not all will go just the way we think it should. sometimes our potatoes will have no gravy, and our cake no icing. This is normal. But, take heart you can overcome them by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus said that troubles will come but take heart for you can overcome just as he did. Daughters, God will give you victory over the enemy. Put your trust in him!


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