Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fix Upon your Heart, Genesis 11:18

Fixed upon Your Heart

Genesis 11:18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds. Tie them as symbols on your hands, bind them on your foreheads.

Another school year is upon us! K, you are long done taking classes. Your classes are now learned in the school of hard knocks... but I hope you start back up on your nursing training. A, student teaching, wow. It makes me happy that music part of your life, but may you never march to the beat of the world.

Again I will attempt to write to you... will this be the last of my posts to help you in your walk with the Lord? I hope not! I am not sure what you think. But, I pray God has used them over the past 4 years to help you grow strong in your faith and consistent in your living for him!

Notice the words of this verse... Fix these words of mine, I hope you follow my word and count them as sound teachings, but I want you to fix on your heart and minds the words of God. Read, study, memorize, and review what God has written for us, for you! They will bring fullness of life and satisfaction to the soul! Find ways, no! create ways for the word to be before you to remind you of his love and his expectations. He has come to give life and that, to the full! (John 10:10), So fix your minds on serving God and you will find true satisfaction!


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