Saturday, April 14, 2018

Elder Qualifications III, Titus 1:8

Elder Qualifications III

Titus 1:8  Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.

Elder Qualifications III
  • Hospitable
    • Inviting, receptive, giving
  • Lover of Good
    • Searches for things that uplift and build character, Rejects pleasure that stem from evil
  • Self-Controlled
    • Flees evil thoughts and acts of sin, Resists the Devil
  • Upright
    • Has integrity of heart and soul
  • Holy
    • Dedicated to godly practices, Set on spiritual living and the things of the Lord
  • Disciplined
    • Plans ahead, Follows through on tasks, Reliable and Trustworthy, Develops ways to accomplish the responsibilities given him.

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