Monday, April 16, 2018

Qualification For Church Leadership, Titus 1:6-9

Elder Wrap-Up

Titus 1:6-9  A unrefined paraphrased version by ~Dad

Qualifications Required For Church Leadership
Vs 6-9   A leader of the church is to be a man of highest righteous morals and standards. He is not to have multiple wives. He must show spiritual integrity and leadership at home and not just at church. He will not allow his children to be involved in sinful revelry. He knows how to teach and discipline them. They are to be well behaved and followers of the Way. His character and integrity are of top priority. Although he pushes others to succeed, he will not force them, rather he is patient and kind. He allows the Holy Spirit to control his life not his natural desires. He does not use alcohol, drugs, or worldly pleasures to handle life; he finds release in the Lord. He is peaceful and gentle, honest in his dealings, and does not cheat to get ahead, Those around him find him inviting, receptive, and giving. He searches for ways to uplift and build character in others. A true leader will reject pleasures that stem from evil, will flee evil thoughts and acts of sin and resist the Devil. With integrity of heart and soul, he dedicates himself to godly practices, and is marked by spiritual living and is involved in ways that please the Lord. He plans ahead and follows through on tasks, is reliable and trustworthy, and develops ways to accomplish the responsibilities given him. A person worthy of leading the church does not waver in his belief of the Gospel message. He lives it in everyday life. That message is this: to care for those who cannot care for themselves and keep from being polluted by the world. He does not desire to become like the culture around him in thought or deed, nor does he use its wisdom to help and lift those in the church. Rather, he uses the principles and truths found in Scripture. When others say that today's wisdom is superior, the Bible was for a different time and culture, he does not sit idly by but refutes "truths" which are not backed up by the Word of God. A leader must be a true man of God.

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