Sunday, July 22, 2018

Faith Is Believeing, Believing Is Doing, Hebrews 11:28

Faith Is Believing, Believing Is Doing

Hebrews 11:28 By faith, he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.

If faith is believing, then belief is obedience. For, if we believe that God will do as he says, we will carry out our portion of his plan. Moses knew God was using him. He was no ordinary boy. In fact, he was one of a few his age that lived, because he was rescued by the king's daughter from certain death. Yet, when he grew up he refused to be call Pharaoh's grandson, instead he chose to suffer along with his people rather than choose the pleasures of sin, he chose disgrace over the treasures the world - Egypt.

So, the time comes for the last plague to commence, what will the Hebrew people do? If they have faith in what God says, they will prepare themselves and carry out God's plan, they will put the blood around the door posts, and they di so and lived. See, their faith in God was a belief that he would do as he said, so they did as they were commanded, for their faith is seen in their obedience because of belief requires action.

K and A, you do not have a true faith in God if you do not carry out what he says in his word. Like Moses, your obedience to the God's Word shows the extent of your faith and if it is a true faith, it will save you just as it did him. But if you do not believe you will do your own thing thinking God's way is silly, foolish... blood of a lamb over the door post, angel of death is coming... all this sounds crazy. But, if the didn't obey the angle of death came and  death came to their firstborn.

So, when God says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, will you try to be different? When he says to honor your father and mother, will you receive the promise of doing so? How about when the pleasures of sin entice you, will you join in with them? Your faith in God is your belief in what he says is true and you carry out his desires. Remember, it is not faith alone, rather it is faith accompanied by obedience that show if you truly believe. Daughters, choose the hardships of servanthood rather than the "joys" of sin, the disgrace of being a Christian over pleasures and riches. Be a woman of faith, so the destroyer will pass over you and you can live!


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