Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Jesus Is Looking For You, Like 15:3

Jesus Is Looking For You

Luke 15:3 Then Jesus told them this parable;

Last night was the first night of VBS and Mother and I taught the rotating classes, bible story on 3 of the lost parables. I wanted to pass on to you ladies the e4nding I told the children. The three stories were on an object, and animal, and a person. This is just my final statement before they left the class. You can read the parables in Luke 15.

Just like the lost coin, each of us were lost in sin when you were born.
     Jesus is searching for you. He will find you and rejoice!

Just like the lost sheep, we all have gone astray.
     Jesus will search for you. He will find you and hold you close!

Just like the prodigal son, we all do foolish things and leave our Father in heaven.
     Jesus is waiting for you to come home, because he loves you. He will be very happy when you do!

A and K, You do not have to remain lost, you are worth much to Jesus! When he calls your name, run home to him! He is waiting for you.


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