Monday, July 2, 2018

No Other Way, Hebrews 9:22b

No Other Way

Hebrews 9:22b and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness

A & K, Many look for ways to get to heaven. They do not want to follow the commands of the Father or the Son. They do not want to put their faith in the one whom would take away their sins. They know that love requires obedience but they want to live their own way. So, they look for others way to rid their lives of sin and guilt.

Today's worldly church says believe that Jesus is real, that he took away the penalty and you can continue living your new life the same old way. But love for God requires obedience to his commands and we cannot obey if we haven't been forgiven. And that forgiveness is rooted in the death of Christ where his blood was given to purify, not just cover.

Daughters, you could live a life not trying to bother anyone, you could obey all the laws and you can even beat your body, walk marathon for peace or you name it... doesn't matter. No personal sacrifice is good enough! It takes the blood of Christ. His life is the payment, his blood the cleansing source of sins forgiven. Put your faith in his blood, there's no other way!


you find the songs... There is Power in the Blood, Alas and Did My Savior Bleed and others

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