Sunday, July 29, 2018

Believing Despite Not Receiving, Hebrews 11:39

Believing Despite Not Receiving

Hebrews 11:39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.

When all is going well, it is easy to serve God. But, what do we do when times are tough, when nothing seems to go right, when we serve God with all our hearts, and "all these things don't seem to be added unto us" (Matt 6:33)?

K and A, you will not get everything you think you deserve. You may do right and still life is hard. There will be people who ridicule you for being a Christian, those who scoff at your lack of intelligence because you believe in God and the Bible. Don't fret. Be strong!

Remember that what you have now is nothing compared to what you will receive in eternity: if you are sinful, you will receive your reward... eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire, if you are faithful and live for the Lord no matter the hardships that come against you... eternal life with God and your Savior, Jesus Christ, forever blessed, no pain or sorrow, no crying or sadness, nor will there be any sin or evil, only happiness living in a new heaven and new earth where the old things have passed away (Revelations 21:4).

Keep believing and serving the Lord, daughters, for if you do, you will one day receive the promise God has given!


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