Friday, August 10, 2018

Sexual Purity, Hebrews 12:16a

Sexual Purity

Hebrews 12:16a See that no one is sexually immoral...

Sexual immorality is more than sex before marriage, it covers a multitude of areas. Although this verse is specific to fornicators, two unmarried couples having sex, we can use it to refer to sexual promiscuity between anyone. I am not trying to parse the scripture here and so do an exegesis on this word, rather I am trying to keep you from polluting yourself from sexual sins by staying far from them.

K and A, you are in different stages in life, but each of you must stay sexually pure, if you want to enter the kingdom (Eph 5:5 and many others). There are other reasons not to be involved in sexual sins; anger, distrust, hatred, guilt, disease, hopelessness, suicide, regret, children, abortion, and on and on... The temporary pleasure is not worth the heartache. Often the other person uses you. They speak all kind of promises and then ignores you like you never existed, unless they need something you have. You are left heartbroken and empty. Remember, this can easily happen to the best of people when not alert, whether married or unmarried.

I saved a Facebook post once that was entitled something like, I Kept My Virginity but Lost My Purity. Just because you do not fornicate or become an adulterer, doesn't mean you kept your purity in tact. Some of the "silly" rules of the past; keeping distance between couples, not holding hands or kissing, not hugging the opposite sex, keeping the door open when meeting with the opposite sex, certain parts of the body are private until marriage... all these were precautions to help retain control. Some of the most God-fearing, devoted people have succumbed to unwanted sexual pressures and fallen into remorse and even worse, left the walk of Faith and serve God no longer!

Daughters, beware of the tricks of the Devil and stay sexually pure.


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