Tuesday, August 28, 2018

An Apostle Of Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 1:1

An Apostle Of Christ Jesus

1 Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.

The word apostle comes from the Greek to mean sent one, like an ambassador. Growing up I remember that a true apostle had to be with Jesus and had to have done miracles. I could not find the first part while writing this, but in Corinthians, Paul says the signs of a true apostle are wonders.

The questions for you, A & K, are who sent you and to whom are you sent? The world has a strong influence on most peoples lives. But you, you claim to belong to the Lord. He is the one you have been with, He is the one who directs your footsteps, and He is the one who sends you. He says come follow me and go into all the world.

Follow the Lord and walk in his way. Reach out to the ones to whom he sends you to. It may be close by, or it may be far away. Either way, go as an apostle of Christ Jesus!


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