Friday, August 31, 2018

God Our Savior, 1Timothy 1:1

God Our savior

1 Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.

 Did you know that God the Father is our Savior. There is a  lot of talk about Jesus being our Savior and rightly so. He gave up his life so we could be reconciled to his father. We put our trust, our faith in Christ's sacrifice on the cross. But remember it is the Father that accepted his sacrifice. It was his standard that had to be met. He is the one who forgives our debt. We need to honor him for it!

K and A, I don't get too involved in arguments that discuss the role each member of the Trinity has. Maybe that because I am not an in depth studier or that I consider other areas of Biblical truths more important to the everyday walk of a believer. I took exception here because I do believe the Bible does show differences in their roles. I also believe we cannot fully understand what they are. When I pray I use the names God and Father the most, except at the end, remembering that he is the one who sits on the throne and Christ on his right. Jesus says that he didn't make some of the most important decisions, rather his father did.... who would sit on the throne with him in his glory, when the end time is.

But don't get stuck there. The most important thing is that you can be thankful and praise the father that he provided a way for you to be saved from sin and that you know that Jesus is the way. Now you can live free from sin.... if you live by the power of the Spirit. (now what roles does he play?)


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