Thursday, August 16, 2018

Holiness, The Only Way To See The Lord, Hebrews 12:14

Holiness, The Only Way To See God

Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord.

Holiness, the term is different to different folks. But, you better determine the Biblical definition for it. Some people have an excuse for what they do... I don't have the same conviction you do, so I can _________. You fill in the blank for you. But, remember A & K, it doesn't matter what you have convinced yourself of. It only matters what God thinks of it. My generation scoffed at the old ways, and then we made our own rules. Sad thing, it got carried into the church and now anyone can do anything like and feel good about it. They killed their consciences and then taught their children to do whatever feels good to them. If it was wrong the spirit would tell me. That would be true if they were connected to the Spirit in truth!

Daughters, here is a good reliable thought; if the world around you is having fun doing it, question it hard and long. And, do not pray for God to tell you it's wrong, instead pray to hear God tell you it is right. Don't go ahead and do it until you hear him tell you it. Otherwise you will end up convincing yourself it's all good.

Why does it matter... because only those fully devoted to the Lord, separated from the world and clinging to him - holiness - will enter the kingdom and see the Lord. To some extent both of you have a heritage that promotes holiness. I have never been so moved by the Spirit as much as I have when attending the conservative holiness meetings. Thanks for attending there A. I linked to two songs below. In the first, second verse it tells the truth of this scripture verse. I pray you do not want to forsake your heritage for the pleasures of the world. The second song... it get laborious and if you watch it, maybe even a little silly to you, but this song had me praying and holding up my hands as I felt the presence of the Lord while writing this. I confessed sins against him and against others and asked forgiveness and to make things right with those people. I know he heard my prayer! May he move in your heart too.


Heritage of Holiness
I Know He Heard My Prayer

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