Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sent By God, 1 Timothy 1:1

Sent By God

1 Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and Christ Jesus  our hope.

Who directs your life? Why do you do the things you do? We are to be lead by the Spirit of God and to do as he desires, the will of God.

Even though there is a general command to Go into all the world, God through his Word and through his Spirit, directs each of us in a personal way: speak to that person, help that one, or smile, they need a friend. 

K and A, as a believer, God will direct you throughout your life. But, until fill your heart and life with his Spirit, until you co-exist with him, will you not sense his hand of guidance. As you go about your daily tasks, pend your days communing with him. He will lead you in the paths you are to take and you will GO to the place he has for you. And, like Paul, you will know you have been sent by God himself.


Daughters, there is a confidence that empowers you when you know God has sent you. I have found that when I do not have the confidence to do something, it is either not God's will, or it is that I am not close enough to God to know.

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