Tuesday, October 2, 2018

4. Women To Learn In Submission, 1 Timothy 2:11

4. Women To Learn in Submission

1 Timothy 2:11 A women should learn in quietness and full submission.

This is a tough subject in the church today because of the society in which we live. 100 years ago it was not tough, 50 years ago it was not that hard, today it is nearly impossible. Most churches have lifted this rule and do not follow Paul's thought. Because this verse is so controversial, I researched the subject in Adam Clarke's commentary. He is very open to women participating in the church and in spiritual things with few exceptions. Here's one: when it comes to arguing a point, women should remain quiet and submit to her authority, her husband and should discuss the matter alone with him. I see the main point of this verse as being this; a woman is to learn without ranting and raving and is to be willing to submit to male authority. That is tough for some women, especially in America.

K and A, this has become such a difficult subject. I believe that to be because very few in America today want to be subject to anyone. You would do well to follow this verse and the one that follows as we shall discuss tomorrow.

Here is what I want you to take from this verse... when in any setting, especially in church, learn in quietness and full submission. (I recommend this for men as well.) I have great respect when a woman makes a point or adds to a discussion with a calm demeanor. There is little worse than being in a discussion with a unrelenting yappy woman. Her arrogance tears at the fabric of the whole group. It will destroy a church. Daughters, you will have a huge impact on the lives of others when you are the stable, calm force of reason.


When the Spirit moves in you... say what he gives you to say. If done in quietness and with respect, it will be well received and effective.

This just came to mind: you know who has problems with this teaching... those married to a weak kneed, lily livered man or married to a man who mistreats them, who do not love them as Christ loves the church, and of course wicked women.

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