Friday, October 12, 2018

8g. Able To Teach, 1 Timothy 3:2-3

8g. Able tTo Teach

 1 Timothy 3:2-3 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.

Teacher - one who teaches... more weak definitions. There are many teachers who can't teach well. We all had one or so. They give out info and cover the material, but they do not teach. Teaching requires a bond of sorts between the learner and the instructor. A tie where each trusts and respects the other. The teacher is responsible for developing and encouraging this. It begins to take place once the teacher loves and cares for the student and desires their success. Once established, the teacher can teach and the learner, learn. Also, the teacher must inspire and engage their student. They need to give the student a reason to learn, then present the material in a interesting and vibrant way. Can this be done if the teacher doesn't know and truly believe the material?

K and A, each of you have taught Sunday School and Junior Church. Did you love each of your students? Did you desire their growth and success? It is so important that your students know that you care about them. This is much more important than being a content expert. Your love for them is key to your success as a teacher. But, you must not stop there... know your material, study and develop lesson and curriculum if not given. Then present in an engaging manner, Oh, yeah, another area... discipline. Loving them also requires discipline. In fact, discipline is teaching. Jesus sternly corrected his disciples. Paul instructed Timothy and Titus to set things straight. But, this all must be done with the student's success in mind. Do not beat them into submission. You are a teacher, not an executioner.

Daughters, put all these things in your mind, then submit to the Spirit's leading, and he will help you become one of God's effective teachers, leading many to faith and growth in Christ!


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