Wednesday, October 3, 2018

6. Man's Authority Over Woman, 1 Timothy 2:13-14

6. Man'sAuthority Over Woman

1 Timothy 2:13-14 For, Adam was formed first, then Eve. And, Adam was not the one deceive and became a sinner.

Why is this never taught? Why haven't you ever heard a sermon focused on the authority structure and why it God set it up? I know - it's to controversial. No one wants to tackle this truth spoken of in Scripture. We avoid this important topic so we can all just get along.

There are two reasons given here as to why God has set man over woman.
  1. Man was created first and woman second... notice, there is no third
  2. Woman was deceived first, by Satan, then she deceived man
This is plain. One reason is because of creation - Eve was Adam's helper, and the other is because Eve was the one deceived. This is plainly written and understandable. 

K and A, Your mother is my best helper ever. She is a great spiritual helper and quiet solid strength in the church as well. You would do well to follow her example. This is not a cultural issue. It is a natural one and a spiritual one based on truth plainly seen in the Bible. Avoiding this truth has weakened our country, our families, and the church. Do not add to the problem by being part of it. Rather, fulfill your place as God designed. When you do, you will find full satisfaction in life!.


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