Sunday, September 4, 2016

Genesis 1:14 - 19, Light Controls Darkness

Light Controls Darkness

Genesis 1:14a, Let there be light in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night..

No longer is the earth formless and empty. No longer is there no place to stand. No longer is the earth barren, rather life abounds. Night does not rule, and darkness cannot overpower us, for God made light to govern not just day but night as well.

God is light and Satan is darkness. But even in the most dark areas of life, God is there. Satan does not have control over the creator. He must succumb to the power of Heaven.

Ladies, sometimes you may get down, the circumstances of life seem too much for you to handle. It is then you must remember that the creator of the universe created lights all around. He places his people all around you to help control the attacks of Satan. On the most cloudy of days, there is a glimmer shining through like the first break of dawn (Isa 58:8). God is providing a way for you, protecting you. Walk in the light, for he is there for you. (1 John 1:7)


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