Friday, September 30, 2016

Genesis 2:10 - 15, Take Care of It

Take Care of It

Genesis 2:15  The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Just as Adam was placed in the garden, God directs our life as well. It is amazing to look back and see how God organizes out lives. But, we are not to sit idly by and think that we have nothing to do. God has a task for each of us. It may not be tending a garden, but you can be assured it is an important one.

Ladies, Christians are not to be slackers, people who sit back and bask in the light of God. We are to be light ourselves. He has given you a task. I know, for me, the task has changed over the years and at the moment I am not sure where he is leading. But I am confident that he has a place for me to be and he will place me there as I remain faithful to him.

A & K, be assured the Lord has a place for you. It is where you are. Take care of the things he has given to you now, and he will lead you on to greater things!


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