Thursday, September 1, 2016

Genesis 1:6-8, Blue Skies

Blue Skies

Genesis 1:6-8a God called the expanse "sky"...

There is a term that helps us brighten our outlook on life and feel positive about it. The term "blue skies" is from a song from the late 1920's. It recognized the hope that exists when the heat and humidity of the day, which makes one feel miserable, is replaced by the bright blue skies. When life is full of trials and hardships a confidence that God will intervene brings the assurance of blue skies. At creation everything was looking up. It was just day two, and God's handiwork was just beginning. His creation was perfect and good things were on the horizon. (now that he created one).

A and K, your life is just beginning as well. God created you for good things (Ephesians 2:10) and he has great plans for you; good things are on the horizon! But sin has messed up his creation, Yet in your life you can choose to make it new. Get rid of the old and put on the new self to be like God, perfect like his original creation. (II Cor 5:17 & Eph 4:24) Then you will find the "blue skies" everyone desires.


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