Monday, September 26, 2016

Genesis 1:31 - 2:1, Very Good

Very Good

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning -- the sixth day.

God was quite please with what he had created. The separation of light from darkness, the earth and the heavens, the land and the seas, the plants and the animals and of those he made in his own image, man! When he looked everything over he saw that it was very good; not just good, but VERY good. God's work is not chintzy. He completes it with excellence.

Girls, I could speak of how you need to be excellent, like... Work hard, Do well, Excel, maybe you have heard that from me once or twice, and you already know that in what ever you do it should be done as if doing it for the Lord himself (Eph 6:7). But, today I want to talk about you.

When God created you he looked at you and said, she is VERY good. Maybe you have heard the phrase, "God don't make no junk" poor grammar but very true. You, my daughters, have been made in the image of God. He has created you to be able to serve him in spectacular ways. I am grateful that you are developing what he given you. So keep it up, because I think you are very good too and can't wait to see how he uses you!


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