Sunday, September 4, 2016

Genesis 1:20 - 23, According to It's kind

According to It's Kind

Genesis 1:21b,  And God saw that it was good.

On day 5 of creation, God created the creatures of the sea and the birds of the sky. They did not evolve from one species to another. They were created each as its own kind. God saw that it was good and was satisfied with what he had made.

Daughters, God made each of you. Sure, you may look like your dad and even act like him... scary thought I know, but inside, deep inside there is a different you, the real you, made by God in your own individual way. No one else can be you, just you. And when you rid yourself of your carnal desires, God will bring out the real you. And he will say... "It is good!" satisfied with what he has made.


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