Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Genesis 2:2 & 3, Blessed & Holy

Blessed and Holy

Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

The idea of the Sabbath is not a result of the Law nor specifically the Ten Commandments. It was established at creation. It is the fourth of the Ten Commandments, in the book of Exodus. There it refers back to creation confirming its everlasting importance.

K and A, do you want to be blessed? Do you want to be holy? Then, cease from working on the Day of Rest. And do not cause others to work either. This commandment is also be found in Deuteronomy 5 where it tells us to allow others to rest as well (our servants who cook, clean, and fix things). I know some people must "work", but the church has all but lost this battle.

You can be different though. And if you are, you will receive the blessing for which the Sabbath has been created. Holiness is attainable when we yearn to fulfil God's commands. I pray that you desire to live them out in your lives.


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