Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Confess Your Sins, Proverbs 28:13

Confess Your Sins

Proverbs 28:13 He who conceals his sin does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

The Christian doesn't want to sin, but few are those who want to confess to others when they do. James says to confess our sins one to another... that used to be done in church and people found victory. That happened in our church this past Sunday,  A man stood up and asked for prayer for victory over a desire for nicotine... WOW! That is when you begin to have victory!

When you sin and are convicted for doing wrong, first take it to the Lord. Confess to him your willingness to disobey him and that you were wrong and desire to be clean and do right. Then, if necessary because you sinned against someone else, tell them about your wrongdoing, In doing so you will find mercy and forgiveness. If you fail to tell someone especially God, you will not get rid of your sin and you will perish in them, with eternal consequences! ~Dad

~Most people never do this... if you find yourself failing in life, life never seems to go right, everything seems to turn out wrong... check to see if you are hiding sins. If so... confess them, renounce them, and Jesus will free you. 

~One more thing... if you are caught in a sinful habit or know someone who is... victory begins with confession - to God of course, but more so by confiding in a loyal friend and if the sin runs too deep you may need to go before the church.

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