Saturday, March 24, 2018

Do Not Mimic Sins, Proverbs 23:30-31

Do Not Mimic Sins

Proverbs 23:30-31 ...Those who linger over wine,, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine. Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly.

The title of this post doesn't fit the verses, but it does spark in me a warning. I never wanted to drink nor feel the buzz that it gives. I never wanted anyone to think I have or was. With all of the destruction alcohol has brought on (statistics show $250 billion were spent in the US because of alcohol abuse & 88,000 die annually from alcohol related issues and more - Alcohol Facts and Statiscs), certainly Christians should be wary of drinking.

As with all sins, I purpose not only to do them, but I also do not want to mimic them. Therefor I choose not to drink from bottles or from drinkware that are specifically designed for alcohol. I choose not to buy drinks which are made to look or taste like alcohol as in non-alcoholic beer or sparkling cider or grape juice. I "do not want to give Satan a foothold" as the Scriptures says.

My conviction on this may seem burdensome and to some, even silly to others, but I want to please the Lord and not get caught up like what is happening in the church today where we mimic everything the world does. I used to think it was to win the world, but time has proven our efforts have allowed the world to win us over. My prayer is for my daughters not to get caught up in the sins of the world. Following my wisdom will aid you in the effort not to do so. ~Dad

Special Note: The wine industry is growing in leaps and bounds. "Christians" everywhere are involving themselves in free wine tasting events. Please stay far from them. It will suck you in.

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