Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Love God's Law, Proverbs 28:9

Love God's Law

Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable.

Much is said today about Christians not needing to follow the Mosaic Law. Jesus says that all you need to do is love him and love others. Love, that what Christianity is about, they say. This is a trick of the devil. The Beetles coined the term... All You Need is Love (dem de da de da, just made that up, not quite sure how it goes) in their song of the mid 60's and now the church is preaching it. I just heard that from one of the people in my Sunday school class this past Sunday. And you will hear it everywhere you go... Can't we all just get along, That's another theme of the 60's too and put into a song by Jacob Whitesides in 2017.

The problem isn't having a desire for peace and love. It is how we go about attaining it. We need the laws from the Old Testament (and the New) to show us what it means to love. Jesus said that is what the Law and the Prophets were for. When you desire to live God's way, and seek him out in the Scriptures, your prayers become effective, because you will know what to pray for how to pray to receive it.  Love God's law, then you will find the peace you seek and pray for. ~Dad

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