Sunday, June 10, 2018

Summer Posts Begin: Don't Get Mad, Romans 12:18

Summer Posts Begin: Don't get Mad

Romans 12:18  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone

So the summer is upon us... day shift starts for me this week. I plan on reducing my posts to one per week, most likely on Sundays. But don't get mad, be peaceable. It is for you to work at getting along even, no, especially if the other person is incorrigible (a word I picked up in church today while talking with a couple young men).

Have a good summer, daughters. I pray each of you have your own personal Bible study everyday. To do so is crucial as you journey at this point of your life. I exhort you to most of all Love the Lord your God with all your heart, then Love those around you, and finally Flee the pleasures of this world. In doing these three, you will grow more than you have thought possible. I care about you both....


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