Thursday, June 7, 2018

Why Saved: Part 5: Wrap-Up, Titus 2:14

Why Saved: Part 5: Wrap-Up

Titus 2:14 who gave himself up for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

In this wrap-up, we will discuss what Paul tells us are the reason why Christ died for us. This is crucial for our walk with him, for we have not been saved so we can go to heaven or escape hell. That is the reason given many times when people try to get others saved... If you just repent, you can escape the flames of hell... certainly you want to go to heaven when you die, so confess Jesus is Lord and you'll get in. Here is what Paul tell Titus of why God sent his son to die for us:
  • To save us from all sin
  • To purify us from all sin
  • To make us his very own
  • To make us eager to do what is good
A and K, to recognize you are a sinner and on your way to hell is eye opening. To feel sorry for your sins is a spiritual awakening. To know Jesus is God's son and that his death is payment for your sins is a crucial in becoming a Christian. And to know that heaven awaits the those who die in Christ brings hope. But all these truths are not why Christ died for you!

Christ died to make you into a different person. If you are willing, he will save you from what you once were and help purify you so you are eager to follow and do the will of his Father. Your love for him will be seen in how you obey what he has said to do in the Old and confirmed by New Testaments. This life is preparing you for the next where he will take you as his bride to be his very own. Do not be like so many who tire of waiting for him, for they get side tracked by the pleasures of thhis world and miss the open door when he comes.

Never loose sight of why Christ had to come, daughters. The Jews had a way to pay for sins through  faith in God designed sacrifices. But they continued to sin. Christ came to deliver you from sinning. He wants to make you ready for the special place he is preparing for you. Be eager to allow him to purify your life, fleeing all that hinders your walk with him!


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