Monday, June 4, 2018

Why Saved: Part 2: To Be Purified, Tutus 2:14

Why Saved: Part 2: To Be Purified

Titus 2:14 who gave himself up for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

In this verse, Paul tell Titus the reasons why Christ died for us. We'll look at them separately.

Christ died because
  • He wants to save us from all sin
  • He wants to purify us from all sin
Although this verse does not say that he wants to purify us from all sin, the word pure encompasses that thought because of its definition. To be pure is to be without blemish, spotless, without moral guilt, having nothing that contaminates, to be true. In Philippians, Paul tells us to become blameless and pure children of God.

K and A, you have been saved so your life will be different, different than it was and different from those around you. That includes people in the church, if they are not living according to the principles and teachings of the Bible. I know this is a process like the refining of gold, but that "never will get there until we get to heaven , process" is used as an excuse in almost every church circle you've been part of. Do not be like them! Instead, strive for perfection, for your Father in heaven is perfect. (I'm not - yet)


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