Monday, June 10, 2019

In The Last Days, Jude 1:17-18

In The Last Days

Jude 1:18 They said to you, In the last times, there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires."

In the last days... Jesus warns about the end times. He says that before the end comes, there will be earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, famine and pestilence, and fearful events. Paul talks about how there will be terrible times in the last days. Certainly, times will be tough among both Christians and as Jude calls them, the ungodly. Even in the church, it will be bad. The ungodly will infiltrate the church and will scoff at common doctrine. They will cause trouble and try to divide the church!

Now, I have heard it said that what Jesus warned about is not a concern. What he was really saying was that you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, when you hear of earthquakes and famines, etc. They are just common occurrences, nothing to be worried about. The end will come without a sign and on a day least expected. To me that is a half truth. Some of it true and some not. Jesus did promise to come as a thief in the night, but the Bible is clear that troubles will increase as we near the end times.

K and A, you need not fear the end times, if your heart is right with God. You can put your complete confidence in his love and grace. But, you still need to be on the look-out for trouble, especially troublemakers. This is what Jude is warning of. Watch out for people who seek to bring in another gospel than what you were taught. Satan is seeking to take back everyone he can - even you! Know that the last days are evil. Be on your guard against the joys of this world, and seek to grasp the joys of the Lord.


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