Saturday, June 8, 2019

Ungodly Characteristics, Jude 1:16

Ungodly Characteristics

Jude 1:16 These men are grumblers and fault finders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

Have you ever grumbled or found fault with how others do things? It seems like most people do. Why I am the one who does it right; Why would anyone do it like that; why do people have to be so stupid; why is the boss telling us what to do; anyone could have thought of a better way to do it; its so hot outside; why did it have to rain today; whose idea was it to invite them; this is boring and on and on... people love to complain about any and every thing.

Then there is pride: I did a great job putting that program together; my way always turns out so good; my girl is the goalie, isn't she's amazing; no one can sing like my daughter, she sings like an angel; Whoa, that was a great hit, who did that, oh, it was my boy, should have known, he's the best player on the team. And flattery: your really pretty, who are they in the picture, you have such a beautiful family; I really like you dress, you look so good in it; is that a new haircut, you are gorgeous; are they your children, they are so well behaved. People act like this when they are trying to puff themselves up above others and when they are trying to get something from others.

These are dangerous places to live. From this verse, we see that they are signs of ungodliness; ways to lift yourself above others; ways to put others down.

K and A, pride can be sneaky. It enters into one's life subtly and takes over. It can be hidden from our conscience and from others but at some point it rears its ugly head for all to see. You know how I despise the words I'm so proud of you; you make me so proud; you must be so proud of your daughter,  and on and on... but it is a holy pride. Yeah, but pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. If you read much of Proverbs you'll find it a major theme. And so is flattery and complaining; I'd rather live on a corner of a roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife. That's for sure.

These are characteristics for you to avoid in your life, and they are signs to watch out for in others. Encourage others to rise above these traits and avoid any resemblance in your own life.


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