Sunday, June 23, 2019

Relating To Non-Christians, Jude 1:22-23

Relating To Non-Christians

Jude 1:22-23 Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear - hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

The last part of this verse we will save for the next time...

How are we to respond to the non-believer? In the past we called them sinners. But, who would dare belittle someone today? It is better to come around the sinner, and declare that we all  are sinners! When we do that, it becomes harder to help them see their need of a savior. So how should we approach them...

Be Merciful - When we know someone who doubts who Jesus is, do not be harsh with them. Be merciful, giving grace and patience, so their doubt turn into hope.

Snatch Them From the Fire - Sin is real and its penalty is death, eternal death, but God desires to will deliver them and save them from the fiery pit. He expects us to help him,

Show Mercy - sounds quite similar to the first one, but with it comes a warning - we must be careful that we do not get snagged by the sins that so entangles.

K and A, you must be willing to reach out to the lost. How will they ever know if they have not been told. Be gently with them. Remember, you too were once a sinner, and if no one told you, you would still be in a state of  denial! First, be thankful that someone willing to see your spiritual need, then reach out for others and lovingly take along to heaven, knowing that if not for Christ, you would be stuck in your sin, separate from God.


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