Sunday, June 2, 2019

Money Hungry Baalam, Jude 1:11, Numbers 22-25

Money hungry Balaam

Numbers 22:16-17 They came to Balaam and said: "this is what Balak son of Zippor says: Do not let anything keep you from coming to me, because I will reward you handsomely and do whatever you say. Come and put a curse on these people for me."

Balaam was an Aramean, which is basically land of Syria today. The Arameans were the descendants of Aram, Shem's son, the son of Noah. Although he was in a land that was in a continual struggle with the people of Israel, he was a prophet, a man of God. If he blessed someone, they would be blessed... even the enemies of God knew he was reliable. This is because he relied on God and when he prayed to God, God would speak to him. When he prophesied, it came to pass.

Sound like a pretty good guy so far... well, to cut-to-the-chase, When Balak saw the people of Israel coming to take the Promise land, they feared what God would do to them, so they contacted Balaam to curse them... but Balaam could not, because he only said what God wanted, and the destruction of Israel was certainly against what God wanted... But after Balaam was promised wealth - anything he wanted above and beyond the normal fee for a seer, he came up with a plan... he went to Moab, Balak's kingdom, and blessed the Israelites contrary to Balk's wishes but according to God's word and His desire. Yet afterwards, he told Balak how to destroy God's people... have your women entice the Hebrew men and defile them sexually and also spiritually by worshipping the gods of Moab with those women, of course... This Balak did this and many Israelites were destroyed by a plague. Balaam was willing to sin against God in order to become rich.

Many people today are willing to sell their soul to profit financially. This can be done on many ways. I know of families who would never have their family business open on Sunday's, but over time they succumbed to the pressures of the world and now it makes no difference. They are people who take jobs that are contrary to scriptural principles, because the money is good. Those who cheat on their taxes, earning money under the table and sell away their soul. We must be careful that the love of money does not capture our heart!

K and A, do you live for money? Is your success determined by how much you make? Will you take a job when required to work on Sunday, sell items that are contrary what is right? K, will you be a nurse in a abortion clinic? A, will you sing secular music? Do you give your tithe to the Lord on the gross you earn or just drop some money in the offering plate. Money is an important issue. Paul said, that The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Make sure that it doesn't capture your heart that you become money hungry and forget God!


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