Friday, June 7, 2019

Let God Convict, Jude 1:14-15

Let God Convict

Jude 1:15 [The Lord is coming] to judge everyone and to convict the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against [the Lord].

I know a person who, when double crossed, becomes angry and looks for ways to get back at them. I guess I know more than one... The people I know, some who claim to be Christians, think that should be the normal response.  And, I guess it is for non-believers, but it must not be for the one who has given their heart to Jesus. The Bible is specific in saying that it is for the Lord to take vengeance. He will repay, the Scriptures say.

Daughters, there will be a day when the Lord will not only judge, but he will also convict the guilty. Verse 13 says that there is a place he has reserved for them where they will be forever; blackest darkness, Jude calls it. Yet, when you are taken advantage of, do not striking back, rather forgive. This is the heart of God. He desires all to come to repentance, so let your light so shine by loving them, and pray that they will see that light in you and find Christ as their Savior.


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