Tuesday, June 11, 2019

She's A Natural, Jude 1:19

She's A Natural

Jude 1:19 These men who divide you follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

When we select people from within the church to lead the church based merely on their capable talents, we hurt spiritual health of the church. There are those who appear to be natural leaders, others who are talented handling money, some are great organizers, but it is wrong to choose elders of the church who do not have a spiritual relationship with Christ. It only serves to divide the church during crucial decision making times. It is then when the wisdom of the world begins to take over the church and leads her awry.

K and A, I do believe that you were born more inclined to excel in certain areas of life than others. These God-given talents can be groomed to become well developed skills. You are a natural at something. What is that, you may ask? That isn't the important focus right now, what the focus needs to be is your spiritual talents. As the Spirit fills your soul and life, you are given spiritual gifts that he will use in the Kingdom of God. They will work along side any natural or developed talents. It is at that time when your Spirit-guided instincts become effective in building the church, helping fellow believers to come together to serve and worship the Lord. This is the leadership that is needed. You are the leadership that is needed. With the Spirit, you are a true natural!


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