Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Unworthy Diners, Jude 1:12a

Unworthy Diners

Jude 1:12 These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm - shepherds who feed only themselves. The are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees without fruit and uprooted - twice dead.

Like the people caught in Korah's rebellion, these people think they are holy, but they lacked spirituality. In fact, they are worse, for they are ungodly pretenders leading others astray. They come to the Lord's supper, as Paul described, in an unworthy manner.

It should bother us when everyone feels welcome to take communion. That may sound shocking, but that is because we have been programed to please everyone who enters the doors of the church. We wouldn't want someone to feel out of place, or like a sinner or something, far be it. We have become so accustom to calling everyone a sinner that we now call everyone holy. In fact the words are somewhat interchangeable today. That is how we get the leaders like Jude spoke of... they look good and sound good. Sure they do some questionable things, but we each have our own fault, our own dark side. But the good they do far exceeds their faults.

K and A, do not take communion lightly. When you take it in an unworthy manner, you are sinning against the body and blood of Christ... that's scary. There have been times when my heart did not feel worthy for communion, so I stayed in the pew and prayed instead. If you fake it once... you will begin to eat away at the corners of your conscience, and then after a couple more times, it won't bother you any more. And, you'll do as you please without feeling wrong.  Be true to your soul, purify yourself, then fill yourself with all Christ has for you, then you will be worthy to partake of him!


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