Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jude 1:3a, Common Faith

April 30, 2016

Common Faith

Jude 1:3a... Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share...

People are different. Yes, we have similarities, but even in those we aren't exactly alike. So, what causes us to get along if we are different? It is when the things we share out weigh our differences. Also, it is the love we have for the other person. In Matthew, Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and in Romans 12:14 Paul says to live at peace with everyone. Put together we can get along with most people if we love each other.

What we share in our faith will overpower our differences, if we love each other. This doesn't mean we won't separate in our groups. After all, it is not diversity that makes us strong, it is our similarities. I know that is contrary to what is taught in today's church but it proves true time and again. That is why they repeat it so often. That is why there are contemporary and traditional services within the same church. That is why farmers gather together and high class city folks hob nob. Birds of the feather do flock together. It is sensible, each group talks about what is common to them.

But it is sad and wrong to divide the body, because someone is different. We worship on Lord and are joined by the Spirit and share a common salvation! We can still get along when we love and focus on how we are alike. Keep in mind that we are not referring to how sin separated us. It always will cause division.

A and K, even my two daughters are not alike. Can you get along despite your differences? You can and have done so. I know you have different fathers and mothers but what you have in common is "adopted" parents and a love for the Lord. Remember when you chose the person you will marry... they must be similar to you if you want cohesion in the home. To be way different is to invite problems and unnecessary hardships. Make sure your similarities out weigh your differences and your values match. And above all, make sure they share a common salvation so you "stay true to the faith to which you were called."


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Jude 1:2, Peace Be Yours

April 29, 2016

Peace Be Yours

Jude 1:2... Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance...

Sure, this was and still is a common type of greeting. We open all types of letter and phone conversations by asking how the person is or wishing them well. I have a close business friend that always opens by saying, "hope all is well." It was a tad humorous at first, but now I have started to use it.

But, aren't those what we all want, mercy, peace, and love? Aren't those what we each wants for those we love? Because all good and perfect things come down from heaven above (James 1:17), we know that this is what God wants for each of us as well. In fact God calls us to be like this. As, Christians, we are to Show mercy to others (Mat 5:7), Live at peace with all men (Heb 12:14), and to Love all men, including our enemies (Matt 5:44). Jude expected his hearers not only to have these in abundance but to live them abundantly.

K & A, I sure hope you are living at peace... with God and with man. I hope you can sense the love of both God and man, confirming his approval on your life. And, I hope you extend mercy to others for God's mercy will then be shown to you (Lk 6:37). We do reap what we sow. Consider how you do these things and be certain to live them out for the Lord. I know that God will reward your faithfulness and peace will be yours.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jude 1:1b, Kept for Jesus

April 28, 2016

Kept for Jesus

Jude 1:1b... To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:...

Let me first say that what is written here is from the NIV 2011. It has changed from the original which changes thought of the scripture. It does appear more in line with other versions than their original translation. Here is what has been changed "by God", and "by Jesus"

We have been called!. Now we could get lost here in discussing predestination... some are called and some not.... but we won't. We do know that we cannot come to the Lord if his Spirit doesn't "quicken" our spirit. "We love because he first loved us" (I John 4:19). So we have been called and he desires us. We are loved by God and loved in God. God not only loves us for salvation but he also keeps us saved. Again, we could get lost in the discussion of predestination, but we won't.

Jesus keeps us and won't let anything come against us to take us away from him. The Bible says in 1 Cor 10:13 that when temptations come he "provides a way" out of. You won't be unknowingly snatched from his care (Jn 10:28). What I hope we see here is why we are kept... and that is FOR Jesus.

We are not saved and kept so we can escape the fires of Hell, even though we will. We are not saved and kept so we can have an easier life, although this too is true. The ravages of sin do take their toll. No, we are saved for our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are to become his bride. We are to make ourselves holy and pure so we can live with him. Jesus will provide and take care of us. He has gone to prepare a place so that where he is, we too may be (Jn 14:3).

K and A, you not only have been called but you have answered God's call. He loved you first and now you love him. That is such a wonderful thought! Not only do you escape hell and but you are free to live life without the entanglement of sin. That sure is better than what others go through. Jesus wants you as his very own. When this life is over, he will come for you to take you to be with him. He will take you and show you the new place where you will spend eternity with him forever... which is how long eternity is! You, daughters, are kept for Jesus


Jude 1:1a, A Brother to the Lord

April 27, 2016

A Brother to the Lord

Jude 1:1a... Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James...

It is believed that Jude was the brother Jesus. We know that Jesus' brother James was a well respected leader in early church at Jerusalem. In Acts, he is recorded to have spoken as part of the counsel of leadership.

What would it be like to be the brother or sister of Jesus, to have grown up with him. We do know that he was rebuked by his brothers during Jesus' ministry so at times they didn't think so highly of him, but wow, a brother of Jesus! Do you ever think he picked on his sisters? or said this way... if brother was perfect, what would it be like to be picked on by them? How would he share with you? When your big brother corrected you, would you get mad at him? Would he paddle you when Mom and Dad weren't around? What life lessons would he teach you? How would your big brother protect you from the bad influences around you?

Girls, this is interesting to ponder... but remember you are the sisters of Christ! You can count on him to protect you. He will guide you through all kinds of trouble and protect you from the evils in the world. And, you can cry on his shoulder. He will hold you close. Jesus will discipline you at times and set you straight but you will know that he loves you. Maybe he will pick on you in some way that will make you smile and cause you to love him just a bit more. It is good to have Jesus as your brother! He'll treat you just right.


III John Wrap Up

April 26, 2016

III John Wrap Up

It brought John great joy to hear of the faithful living of his friend, Gaius. He loved the Lord and those around him knew it. He loved other believers and supported their efforts and worked with them instead of opposing them.

But John knew how there were deceivers in the body who opposed the church and how dangerous they could be to the most avid Christian. John reminded Gaius of his need to know what was good and to be careful not to imitate the evil around him. There were good people in the church, and they were the ones worth emulating. John wanted Gaius to remain faithful. He couldn't wait to see him and be with him. Gaius was such and encouragement to John, for he knew he loved God and served him well.

My daughters, it does a father's heart good to hear of the faithfulness of his children. It is heartbreaking to a dad to hear the opposite. I have cried over such things, become angry and wondered in what ways I have failed; What could I have done differently? What do I do now? But, it is so rewarding to know your children love and serve God!

When I hear good things from others about you, I am grateful you are my girls. Just like with Gaius, your support of the work of the Gospel is needed and appreciated. Each of you have helped spread the love of Christ to others and that is so encouraging to me. But be aware that there are those who want to side track you. You must know the Word, so they do not entice you with the things of the world. Don't imitate the world, imitate the Word! Then, like John, I can say... "I have no greater joy than to hear my [girls] are walking in the truth." I too can't wait to see you face to face!


III John 1:14, Face to Face

April 25, 2016

Face to Face

III John 1:14... I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name...

Life today sure has it advantages for those who have loved ones far away. You can tweet, message, or talk on the phone. If you want to be even more close you can text a picture, find out what is happening with them on facebook or skype them and see them live. For those missionary families of 100 years ago and even in the apostle John's day, letters were sent. An overseas letter could take more than a month to receive and to get one back could take six months or might never even get there. In verse 13, John says he has a lot to say to them but he doesn't want to do it by letter, he want to see them face to face. There is no substitute for being there. All the technology in the world will never match the joy that comes from seeing and being with the one you love.

This is so true spiritually, it says in I Cor 12:13 that someday we will see Jesus and all things will be clear. In Matt 5:8 it says the pure in heart will see God. And, in Rev 22:4, when the Lamb in seated next to the Father, it tell us that his servants will "see his face"!

A and K, is Jesus the one you love? Are you his servant? Is the day of his return something you are looking forward to? K, remember when you were at college how you longed to see the one you loved. You made special trips to see him face to face. You had to be there, to touch him! No technology would substitute. If you, daughters, do not have the same desire to see the Lord, your love for him is not as strong, you love him less.

That is a strong statement, yet it is true. I say it to remind you of your need to keep your priorities in check. I know how difficult that is. We have never seen God. But we can use "spiritual technology", Bible reading and prayer, personal and group study, to develop our love for him. Like a fiance or a spouse, the more time you spend thinking about and talking about and to God, the more you will love him. But better than the one you love, God gives the Spirit to share with you until you can see him face to face. Oh what a exciting day that will be!


Sunday, May 8, 2016

III John 1:12, Well Spoken Of

April 23, 2016

Well Spoken Of

III John 1:12... Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone--and even by the truth itself. We also speak well of him, and you know that our testimony is true...

To be well spoken of is a great honor, one well deserved. Yes, we can fake our values and witness, but it will be seen through at some point. The Bible says, "be sure your sin will find you out" (Nu 32:23). John said that Demetrius was known to be honorable by all. That is what I want to be, true before all, honorable to my God.

Daughters, lately I have been confused and haven't been all I need to be. I don't want you to just be well spoken of by others, be well spoken of by God! And don't ever slack off, live godly lives the rest of your life. It is worth it now and when you make it to heaven you will hear God say, "well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of your Lord."


III John 1:11, Imitate Christ

April 23, 2016

Imitate Christ

III John 1:11... Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God...

The Word of God defines what is good and what is evil. There is evil all around us and when we live with near evil, it can change us unless we constantly remind ourselves of evil. We must never define evil by what we see people do, today especially. Within the church, we find people flirting with the world's ways. If we do not stay close to the word the world will change us.

A and K, you must not participate in things that imitate the world. It is so prevalent in the church today, many times you think you are just imitating other believers. Sad thing is they imitate the world. It is in our music and in our practices. How will you know what is and what isn't worldly? Read and study the Word, especially the Old Testament. And stay close to God and he will direct you. Make sure the spirit you hear aligns with the Word. If not, it is the wrong spirit speaking. You must be so careful. My prayers are with you... imitate what is good and all will be fine and your relationship with God will grow deep.


III John 1:10, Welcome Believers

April 22, 2016

Welcome Believers

III John 1:10... So when I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, spreading malicious nonsense about us. Not satisfied with that, he even refuses to welcome other believers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church...

Diotrephes was obviously fighting against the church. Although within the church, he fought to destroy it. In essence, he was an antichrist, usurping authority, and elevating himself. When others, who were true believers, sought to proclaim Christ, he oppose them and pushed them out. Anyone who welcomed new followers, he opposed as well. What he really opposed was the work of Christ.

A & K, never oppose Christ, the work of Christ, or help those who do so. You know how I am opposed to the worldly church. I stand against their efforts to satisfy fleshly desires. But I must never oppose honest efforts to spread the gospel. That wasn't so hard to judge years back, but now the leadership is full of Diotrepheses. They have caste me out of leadership, so now I work to affect the church by standing on God's word and proclaiming it and by refusing to participate in their wickedness.

Ladies, remember the title of this post, "Welcome believers". Just because there is a spearhead to destroy the church, there was in John's time and there always will be, doesn't mean that all involved are part of Satan's movement. Many participate unaware. As you live the truth of the Word, people will see it and want to live it themselves. Daughters, you must welcome believers and direct them to act upon God's word. Then together you will reach many for Christ.


Oh noooo

Oh noooo, I have failed to keep up on my duties to you, sorry about that daughters. I will get caught up, but it may take awhile. Let's see what I can get done today.