Tuesday, May 10, 2016

III John 1:14, Face to Face

April 25, 2016

Face to Face

III John 1:14... I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name...

Life today sure has it advantages for those who have loved ones far away. You can tweet, message, or talk on the phone. If you want to be even more close you can text a picture, find out what is happening with them on facebook or skype them and see them live. For those missionary families of 100 years ago and even in the apostle John's day, letters were sent. An overseas letter could take more than a month to receive and to get one back could take six months or might never even get there. In verse 13, John says he has a lot to say to them but he doesn't want to do it by letter, he want to see them face to face. There is no substitute for being there. All the technology in the world will never match the joy that comes from seeing and being with the one you love.

This is so true spiritually, it says in I Cor 12:13 that someday we will see Jesus and all things will be clear. In Matt 5:8 it says the pure in heart will see God. And, in Rev 22:4, when the Lamb in seated next to the Father, it tell us that his servants will "see his face"!

A and K, is Jesus the one you love? Are you his servant? Is the day of his return something you are looking forward to? K, remember when you were at college how you longed to see the one you loved. You made special trips to see him face to face. You had to be there, to touch him! No technology would substitute. If you, daughters, do not have the same desire to see the Lord, your love for him is not as strong, you love him less.

That is a strong statement, yet it is true. I say it to remind you of your need to keep your priorities in check. I know how difficult that is. We have never seen God. But we can use "spiritual technology", Bible reading and prayer, personal and group study, to develop our love for him. Like a fiance or a spouse, the more time you spend thinking about and talking about and to God, the more you will love him. But better than the one you love, God gives the Spirit to share with you until you can see him face to face. Oh what a exciting day that will be!


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