Thursday, May 12, 2016

Jude 1:2, Peace Be Yours

April 29, 2016

Peace Be Yours

Jude 1:2... Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance...

Sure, this was and still is a common type of greeting. We open all types of letter and phone conversations by asking how the person is or wishing them well. I have a close business friend that always opens by saying, "hope all is well." It was a tad humorous at first, but now I have started to use it.

But, aren't those what we all want, mercy, peace, and love? Aren't those what we each wants for those we love? Because all good and perfect things come down from heaven above (James 1:17), we know that this is what God wants for each of us as well. In fact God calls us to be like this. As, Christians, we are to Show mercy to others (Mat 5:7), Live at peace with all men (Heb 12:14), and to Love all men, including our enemies (Matt 5:44). Jude expected his hearers not only to have these in abundance but to live them abundantly.

K & A, I sure hope you are living at peace... with God and with man. I hope you can sense the love of both God and man, confirming his approval on your life. And, I hope you extend mercy to others for God's mercy will then be shown to you (Lk 6:37). We do reap what we sow. Consider how you do these things and be certain to live them out for the Lord. I know that God will reward your faithfulness and peace will be yours.


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