Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jude 1:1a, A Brother to the Lord

April 27, 2016

A Brother to the Lord

Jude 1:1a... Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James...

It is believed that Jude was the brother Jesus. We know that Jesus' brother James was a well respected leader in early church at Jerusalem. In Acts, he is recorded to have spoken as part of the counsel of leadership.

What would it be like to be the brother or sister of Jesus, to have grown up with him. We do know that he was rebuked by his brothers during Jesus' ministry so at times they didn't think so highly of him, but wow, a brother of Jesus! Do you ever think he picked on his sisters? or said this way... if brother was perfect, what would it be like to be picked on by them? How would he share with you? When your big brother corrected you, would you get mad at him? Would he paddle you when Mom and Dad weren't around? What life lessons would he teach you? How would your big brother protect you from the bad influences around you?

Girls, this is interesting to ponder... but remember you are the sisters of Christ! You can count on him to protect you. He will guide you through all kinds of trouble and protect you from the evils in the world. And, you can cry on his shoulder. He will hold you close. Jesus will discipline you at times and set you straight but you will know that he loves you. Maybe he will pick on you in some way that will make you smile and cause you to love him just a bit more. It is good to have Jesus as your brother! He'll treat you just right.


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