Tuesday, May 10, 2016

III John Wrap Up

April 26, 2016

III John Wrap Up

It brought John great joy to hear of the faithful living of his friend, Gaius. He loved the Lord and those around him knew it. He loved other believers and supported their efforts and worked with them instead of opposing them.

But John knew how there were deceivers in the body who opposed the church and how dangerous they could be to the most avid Christian. John reminded Gaius of his need to know what was good and to be careful not to imitate the evil around him. There were good people in the church, and they were the ones worth emulating. John wanted Gaius to remain faithful. He couldn't wait to see him and be with him. Gaius was such and encouragement to John, for he knew he loved God and served him well.

My daughters, it does a father's heart good to hear of the faithfulness of his children. It is heartbreaking to a dad to hear the opposite. I have cried over such things, become angry and wondered in what ways I have failed; What could I have done differently? What do I do now? But, it is so rewarding to know your children love and serve God!

When I hear good things from others about you, I am grateful you are my girls. Just like with Gaius, your support of the work of the Gospel is needed and appreciated. Each of you have helped spread the love of Christ to others and that is so encouraging to me. But be aware that there are those who want to side track you. You must know the Word, so they do not entice you with the things of the world. Don't imitate the world, imitate the Word! Then, like John, I can say... "I have no greater joy than to hear my [girls] are walking in the truth." I too can't wait to see you face to face!


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