Sunday, May 8, 2016

III John 1:11, Imitate Christ

April 23, 2016

Imitate Christ

III John 1:11... Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God...

The Word of God defines what is good and what is evil. There is evil all around us and when we live with near evil, it can change us unless we constantly remind ourselves of evil. We must never define evil by what we see people do, today especially. Within the church, we find people flirting with the world's ways. If we do not stay close to the word the world will change us.

A and K, you must not participate in things that imitate the world. It is so prevalent in the church today, many times you think you are just imitating other believers. Sad thing is they imitate the world. It is in our music and in our practices. How will you know what is and what isn't worldly? Read and study the Word, especially the Old Testament. And stay close to God and he will direct you. Make sure the spirit you hear aligns with the Word. If not, it is the wrong spirit speaking. You must be so careful. My prayers are with you... imitate what is good and all will be fine and your relationship with God will grow deep.


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