Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jude 1:3a, Common Faith

April 30, 2016

Common Faith

Jude 1:3a... Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share...

People are different. Yes, we have similarities, but even in those we aren't exactly alike. So, what causes us to get along if we are different? It is when the things we share out weigh our differences. Also, it is the love we have for the other person. In Matthew, Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and in Romans 12:14 Paul says to live at peace with everyone. Put together we can get along with most people if we love each other.

What we share in our faith will overpower our differences, if we love each other. This doesn't mean we won't separate in our groups. After all, it is not diversity that makes us strong, it is our similarities. I know that is contrary to what is taught in today's church but it proves true time and again. That is why they repeat it so often. That is why there are contemporary and traditional services within the same church. That is why farmers gather together and high class city folks hob nob. Birds of the feather do flock together. It is sensible, each group talks about what is common to them.

But it is sad and wrong to divide the body, because someone is different. We worship on Lord and are joined by the Spirit and share a common salvation! We can still get along when we love and focus on how we are alike. Keep in mind that we are not referring to how sin separated us. It always will cause division.

A and K, even my two daughters are not alike. Can you get along despite your differences? You can and have done so. I know you have different fathers and mothers but what you have in common is "adopted" parents and a love for the Lord. Remember when you chose the person you will marry... they must be similar to you if you want cohesion in the home. To be way different is to invite problems and unnecessary hardships. Make sure your similarities out weigh your differences and your values match. And above all, make sure they share a common salvation so you "stay true to the faith to which you were called."


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