Sunday, May 8, 2016

III John 1:10, Welcome Believers

April 22, 2016

Welcome Believers

III John 1:10... So when I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, spreading malicious nonsense about us. Not satisfied with that, he even refuses to welcome other believers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church...

Diotrephes was obviously fighting against the church. Although within the church, he fought to destroy it. In essence, he was an antichrist, usurping authority, and elevating himself. When others, who were true believers, sought to proclaim Christ, he oppose them and pushed them out. Anyone who welcomed new followers, he opposed as well. What he really opposed was the work of Christ.

A & K, never oppose Christ, the work of Christ, or help those who do so. You know how I am opposed to the worldly church. I stand against their efforts to satisfy fleshly desires. But I must never oppose honest efforts to spread the gospel. That wasn't so hard to judge years back, but now the leadership is full of Diotrepheses. They have caste me out of leadership, so now I work to affect the church by standing on God's word and proclaiming it and by refusing to participate in their wickedness.

Ladies, remember the title of this post, "Welcome believers". Just because there is a spearhead to destroy the church, there was in John's time and there always will be, doesn't mean that all involved are part of Satan's movement. Many participate unaware. As you live the truth of the Word, people will see it and want to live it themselves. Daughters, you must welcome believers and direct them to act upon God's word. Then together you will reach many for Christ.


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