Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jude 1:1b, Kept for Jesus

April 28, 2016

Kept for Jesus

Jude 1:1b... To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:...

Let me first say that what is written here is from the NIV 2011. It has changed from the original which changes thought of the scripture. It does appear more in line with other versions than their original translation. Here is what has been changed "by God", and "by Jesus"

We have been called!. Now we could get lost here in discussing predestination... some are called and some not.... but we won't. We do know that we cannot come to the Lord if his Spirit doesn't "quicken" our spirit. "We love because he first loved us" (I John 4:19). So we have been called and he desires us. We are loved by God and loved in God. God not only loves us for salvation but he also keeps us saved. Again, we could get lost in the discussion of predestination, but we won't.

Jesus keeps us and won't let anything come against us to take us away from him. The Bible says in 1 Cor 10:13 that when temptations come he "provides a way" out of. You won't be unknowingly snatched from his care (Jn 10:28). What I hope we see here is why we are kept... and that is FOR Jesus.

We are not saved and kept so we can escape the fires of Hell, even though we will. We are not saved and kept so we can have an easier life, although this too is true. The ravages of sin do take their toll. No, we are saved for our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are to become his bride. We are to make ourselves holy and pure so we can live with him. Jesus will provide and take care of us. He has gone to prepare a place so that where he is, we too may be (Jn 14:3).

K and A, you not only have been called but you have answered God's call. He loved you first and now you love him. That is such a wonderful thought! Not only do you escape hell and but you are free to live life without the entanglement of sin. That sure is better than what others go through. Jesus wants you as his very own. When this life is over, he will come for you to take you to be with him. He will take you and show you the new place where you will spend eternity with him forever... which is how long eternity is! You, daughters, are kept for Jesus


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