Thursday, May 31, 2018

Grace Is A Teacher: Part 2: Say "Yes!", TItus 2:12

Grace Is A Teacher: Part 2: Say "Yes!"

Titus 2:12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age,

It is not good enough to know that God gives grace. It is not good enough that it can be yours for free. God's grace is abundant, there is plenty to go around, but we must bask in its fullness.

A and K, there will be times that you struggle, but as you live a self-controlled, upright and godly lives you will be able to say "Yes" to all that God desires. That is easy to say, but on your own it is not easy to fulfil. Yes, a good upbringing goes a long way... it is easy for you to not do drugs or murder people, but there are many other temptations that are not so easy to keep from doing. Satan is real and natural desires drive many Christians astray. So how do just say "No" to evil and "Yes" to all that is godly. We'll discuss that next time.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Grace Is A Teacher: Part 1: Say "No!", TItus 2:12

Grace Is A Teacher: Part 1: Say "No!"

Titus 2:12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age,

It is not good enough to know that God gives grace. It is not good enough that it can be yours for free. God's grace is abundant, there is plenty to go around, but we must bask in its fullness.

A and K, there will be times that you may have troubles and do what is wrong. You may struggle and wonder why. Remember that you are to seek the Lord with all your heart. So work to develop a closeness with him. As you do, his love and grace will teach you to say "No" to the sin that so easily entangles. His Spirit will give you control.


Daughters, always remember you can come to me. I am praying for you and want God to lead and guide you, and I am confident he is!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Grace Revealed Through You, Titus 2:11

Grace Revealed Through You

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

God's undeserved kindness has been given to you, daughters. What will you do with it? Show his kindness to others, share God, live out his character in your life. It will lead others to salvation!


Teachings Of The Church, Titus 2:2-10

Teachings Of The Church

Titus 2:1-10 (1)
You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine

Lets take a quick review of what Paul says should be taught in church... This doesn't mean that there are no other teachings but that these attributes must be included in a teaching of a doctrine that is sound.

We are to teach people to be honorable, self-controlled, not to slander, pure, kind, busy, not stealing things from others, examples of good, trainers of the next generation.

K & A, a Christian's life is supposed to be different than the world's. They cheat and connive and put others down. We give to those that are in need, work to support others even to help them succeed ahead of us, and we lift others up. We do this out of a pure heart.

Consider what you do, daughters. God expects you to be different. Be holy and pure that those around you may desire Christ in their lives.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Godly Employees Are Learders, Titus 2:9-10

Godly Employees Are Leaders

Titus 2:9-10 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

K & A, you have worked for others. Have you considered yourself to be a leader as you worked for  others? As Christians, we often lead from behind. The way you live, the things you say, the way you look, the things you do, develop a pattern that others see. You will lead them away from or to the Christ you love. Consider the synopsis of the responsibilities of slaves, I mean workers... you may be the difference whether others make it to heaven just be how you fulfil your daily tasks. Live in such a way that they will desire Jesus to be Lord of their lives


Godly employees will lead if the are taught to
  • Be subject to their boss in everything - under one's control, submission to another
    • These type of employees don't work for themselves
    • They follow the directives of their company
    • When the boss say to do something, they do it, not try to get out it
    • The bosses way is the right way, even if it may not be the best way
    • If something can be done a better way, they suggest, they do not demand
    • They do not go around bad-mouthing their boss or the company
    • A Christ-like attitude of not complaining is portrayed
  • Please their boss - to give satisfaction or pleasure
    • These type of employees make their boss happy
    • They work in such a way that their boss wants them on their jobs
    • Knowing they won't hear complaints, the boss seeks them out when a tough job comes up
    • The boss know their jobs will be done right the first time
    • They make the boss's day go more pleasant
  • Not steal - to take with the intent to keep or to take without permission
    • This person will not utilize things they have not asked to have
    • They will not take items because the other person can afford to get more or because that person has more than they do
    • Being conscience of the boss's time, they are careful not to keep blabbering on.
    • They are careful to be to work on time and put in a full days work
    • If they start late, they will work late to make up the difference
    • If the boss lets them off early, they make sure the time is made up another day... they are generous in going beyond what is expected
    • Others employees can trust them not to take their stuff
  • Be trusted - relied on, confidence in, dependable 
    • This person is keeps their word
    • They have shown reliability in character
    • Knowing the work will be done, the boss selects this person for the job
      • They do not sit around and gab
      • They are diligent to the task
      • They do good work
      • They keep busy to the end
    • When given confidential information, they do not share it with others
    • The boss can count on them
  • Make attractive the gospel message - arouses interest, appealing
    • This person makes others desire Christ by how the act in the workplace
    • They way they work shows Christ's character
    • When there is conflict, their responses amazes people
    • Unreasonable demands by the boss do not rile them
    • No unwholesome or vile words ever spill from their mouth
    • Their work is completed with excellence and skill no matter how minor the project
    • Co-workers cannot understand how they can be so different
    • Others want to know what makes them tick
    • They are Christians and others can tell

Godly Employees Make Attractive The Gospel, Titus 2:10

Godly Employees Make Attractive The Gospel

Titus 2:10 but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

A godly employee makes
  • Attractive the gospel message -  arouses interest, appealing
    • This person makes others desire Christ by how the act in the workplace
    • They way they work shows Christ's character
    • When there is conflict, their responses amazes people
    • Unreasonable demands by the boss do not rile them
    • No unwholesome or vile words ever spill from their mouth
    • Their work is completed with excellence and skill no matter how minor the project
    • Co-workers cannot understand how they can be so different
    • Others want to know what makes them tick
    • They are Christians and others can tell

Friday, May 25, 2018

A Godly Employee Can Be Trusted. Titus 2:10

A Godly Employee Can Be Fully Trusted

Titus 2:10 but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

A godly employee can be
  • Trusted - relied on, confidence in, dependable 
    • This person is keeps their word
    • They have shown reliability in character
    • Knowing the work will be done, the boss selects this person for the job
      • They do not sit around and gab
      • They are diligent to the task
      • They do good work
      • They keep busy to the end
    • When given confidential information, they do not share it with others
    • The boss can count on them

Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Godly Employee Does Not Steal, Titus 2:9

A Godly Employee Does Not Steal

Titus 2:9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them,

A godly employee
  • Does not steal - to take with the intent to keep or to take without permission
    • This person will not utilize things they have not asked to have
    • They will not take items because the other person can afford to get more or because that person has more than they do
    • Being conscience of the boss's time, they are careful not to keep blabbering on.
    • They are careful to be to work on time and put in a full days work
    • If they start late, they will work late to make up the difference
    • If the boss lets them off early, they make sure the time is made up another day... they are generous in going beyond what is expected
    • Others employees can trust them not to take their stuff


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Godly Employee Tries To Please, Titus 2:9

A Godly Employee Tries To Please

Titus 2:9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them,

A godly employee tries to
  • Please their boss - to give satisfaction or pleasure
    • These type of employees make their boss happy
    • They work in such a way that their boss wants them on their jobs
    • Knowing they won't hear complaints, the boss seeks them out when a tough job comes up
    • The boss know their jobs will be done right the first time
    • They make the boss's day go more pleasant

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Godly Employee Is Subject to their Boss, Titus 2:9

A Godly Employee Is Subject to their Boss

Titus 2:9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them,

A godly employee is
  • Subject to their boss in everything - under one's control, submission to another
    • These type of employees don't work for themselves
    • They follow the directives of their company
    • When the boss say to do something, they do it, not try to get out it
    • The bosses way is the right way, even if it may not be the best way
    • If something can be done a better way, they suggest, they do not demand
    • They do not go around bad-mouthing their boss or the company
    • A Christ-like attitude of not complaining is portrayed

Monday, May 21, 2018

Attributes of a Godly Employee, Titus 2:9-10

Attributes Of A Godly Employee

Titus 2:9-10 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

K and A, here Paul informs Titus on the signs of a godly employee. As I did previously, I will parse out these two verses and share the character traits we need to follow in the workplace as Christians. Learn them and live them among others who foolishly oppose their bosses. You are to be workers who need not to be ashamed (2 Tim 2:15) of their actions.

To be clear, this was not written for employees or for hired workers, it was specific to slaves. I am taking the liberty of applying it to workers. I believe it to applicable but I cannot say that it is Scripture, just scripture based.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Godly Women Reviewed: Older Women Once Girls, Titus 2:3-5

Godly Women Reviewed: Older Women Once Girls

Titus 2:3-5 Likewise, teach older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train younger woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Titus was taught that people in the church have a responsibility to be godly. Certain character traits define them. Below is the complete teaching on godly women. Opposite of the men's teachings, this one refers mostly to younger women. You do not have to be too bright to know that godly children turn in to godly women naturally.

A & K, someday you may have children of your own. Teach your young girls to aspire to these traits, and when they are grown, you will be grateful they allowed God to work in their lives!

Older women are to...
  • Live Reverently - showing deep respect
    • She is not sacrilegious
    • She treats holy things as special
    • Making a joke of things holy bothers her
    • She treats the Scriptures with respect
    • Some things are never made into a joke
    • The way others serve God in holiness
  • Not Be Slanderous - To defame through lies
    • This woman does not hurt others through her speech
    • She will not tell lies to belittle another
    • Making up a story to cut someone down is not how she acts
    • In fact, she lifts and builds other up
  • Not Addicted To Much Wine* - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
    • This woman will not get drunk on wine
    • She will not linger over wine
    • When it sparkles in a cup, she will not look at it.
    • She will not even sample it.
    • *See note on post from 5/5/18
  • Be Teachers - one who shows and explains things
    • This woman is able to convey spiritual truths
    • This person not only speaks but also models how life is done
    • She will lift and encourage others, so they can be better than her
    • She instructs, trains, coaches, and mentors people, so they too can live the Christian life
  • Be Free - no longer confined or restricted
    • She is not held back because of personal sin
    • She trains other through example not just words
    • Purity opens up paths for her to teach as a role model
    • The truth about her life doesn't restrict what she shares with others
  • Train Younger Women - To make another prepared
    • Through her life others see how to live
    • She helps younger women to be ready for life, and service to God
    • Being prepared, she helps girls grow up to be godly wives and mothers
    • With a desire to see the next generation live holy lives, she invests her time in them
  • Love Their Husband - to care for, be attached to, to look out for
    • This woman has the attributes of 1 Corinthians 13
      • She is patient and kind towards her husband
      • Does not seek her own selfish desires
      • She does not dishonor her husband
      • Her husband trusts her and is encouraged by her
    • Adultery is not an option
    • She looks out for her sexual needs
    • Caring for her husband is not a burden
    • Despite her husbands failing, she encourages and supports him
    • Her faith is lived out by her expressions of love to him
  • Love Their Children - to care for, be attached to, to look out for
    • This woman provides for her children like the Proverbs 31 mother.
      • She gets up while still dark to do so
      • Her arms are strong for the task
      • She makes clothing and linens
    • The affairs of her household are in order
    • Faith and obedience to God are more important beauty
    • Her children do not fear for they know she protects them
    • She is not idle and stays up late prepare for the day to come
    • To her children, she imputes wisdom and faithful instruction.
    • Her children know she cares about their spiritual lives
  • Loves Children - to care for, be attached to, to look out for
    • This woman not only loves her children but loves other people's children
    • She desires them to know the Lord
    • When in her care, she shows childen how to live through personal example
    • She is willing to teach and train them how to handle life
    • Because they are vulnerable, this woman looks out for children
    • Through modeling a godly character, children know how to walk as a Christian.
  • Be Self-Controlled - the ability to restrain ones own impulses, emotions and desires
    • This woman is able to keep from being emotional over events, good or bad
    • She maintains control when others panic
    • Sexual desires remain in check, she saves them for her husband
    • When she sees a good deal, the purchase is made unless there is a need for the item
    • Her actions and decisions are not affected by peer pressure or the latest fad
    • The Holy Spirit leads and sustains her in all she does (Gal 5:23 one of the fruits of the Spirit)
  • Be Pure - of moral trueness, no fault or blemish
    • This woman is honorable in all she does
    • She will not even have a hint of sexual impropriety
    • Her morals are set by God, not the world's view or personal preference
    • When others need a Christian example to live by, they look to her
    • God says to be holy and pure, and with the help of the Spirit, she is
  • Be Busy at home - a congenial setting where a family lives together where love is shown and needs are fulfilled
    • This woman make a house a home
    • She works to create a peaceful and homogeneous setting
    • Her family knows that love awaits them at home
    • She creates an atmosphere where comfort and care are an expectation
      • Clothes are mended
      • Cuts and bruises are cured
      • Tears are dried
      • Hugs are given
  • Be Busy at home - engaged, full of activity, assiduous 
    • This woman is active in her duties
    • Her home is not a wreck, it is tidy, kept orderly
    • She is engaged in making her home a place her family is enriched in spiritual matters
    • The needs of her family are met, she sees to it
    • Nothing get past this woman, she is aware of all that goes on
    • Certainly, she is no sluggard, She is up early and to bed late
    • Food, clothing, emotional support... she is right there giving support
    • Her husband and children adore her, everyone knows it.
  • Be Kind - sympathetic, helpful, gentle, brings relief, loving
    • This woman is known by others as a person who is helpful
    • She lends an ear and puts forth her hand to aid others
    • With gentle and loving words, others are encouraged
    • Injuries are met with a caring touch
    • She restores those who are caught in a sin, she doesn't seek to destroy
  • Subject To Her Husband- under one's control, submission to another
    • This woman doesn't follow social norms that call for equality in the home
    • She follows the directives of her husband
    • To her, manipulation of her husband to get what she wants is wrong
    • She will not go around her husband back to thwart his discipline of their children
    • Knowing if is God's plan, she yields to her spouse in spiritual matters.
    • She understands that support of her husband through prayer and encouragement will bring the most successful marriage relationship.
  • Subject To Her Husband - the male partner in a marriage, a frugal manager
    • This woman is bound to her husband, not to anyone else
    • She does not make her decisions based on
      • popular thought
      • her friends' choices or lifestyles
      • magazines, tv, movies, or other media
    • The internet isn't her source of pleasure or satisfaction
    • Her time is spent finding ways to please her husband
    • She realizes that work outside the home will destroy her relationship with her husband and God, if she makes herself subject to her boss.
    • Being the helper of her husband, is the desire of her heart.
    • Only God comes before her husband, nothing else
    • Her love for him exceeds her love for anything else, save only God himself.
  • Not Malign God's Word - to injuriously mislead
    • This woman will not live in such a way that misleads others
    • When the Bible says it, she believes it, and lives accordingly
    • Others can trust her, they follow her example with confidence
    • She understands that not following a perceived dated or cultural teaching will start a mistrust in the validity of the Bible
      • That's why she is self-controlled, pure, busy at home, and subject to her husband
    • She builds others confidence in God and in his Word by following what he says

Saturday, May 19, 2018

A Godly Woman Will Not Malign The God's Word, Titus 2:5

A Godly Woman Will Not Malign The God's Word

Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

A godly woman has this quality, she will
  • Not Malign God's Word - to injuriously mislead
    • This woman will not live in such a way that misleads others
    • When the Bible says it, she believes it, and lives accordingly
    • Others can trust her, they follow her example with confidence
    • She understands that not following a perceived dated or cultural teaching will start a mistrust in the validity of the Bible
      • That's why she is self-controlled, pure, busy at home, and subject to her husband
    • She builds others confidence in God and in his Word by following what he says

Friday, May 18, 2018

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband, Part 2: Her Husband, Titus 2:5

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband, Part 2:Her Husband

Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

A godly woman has this quality, she is
  • Subject To Her Husband - the male partner in a marriage, a frugal manager
    • This woman is bound to her husband, not to anyone else
    • She does not make her decisions based on
      • popular thought
      • her friends' choices or lifestyles
      • magazines, tv, movies, or other media
    • The internet isn't her source of pleasure or satisfaction
    • Her time is spent finding ways to please her husband
    • She realizes that work outside the home will destroy her relationship with her husband and God, if she makes herself subject to her boss.
    • Being the helper of her husband, is the desire of her heart.
    • Only God comes before her husband, nothing else
    • Her love for him exceeds her love for anything else, save only God himself.

A and K, this teaching has all but left today's church: "A woman should not work for a man, only her husband". Sounds sort of silly even to me, but think of all the sins that have occurred between a woman and her boss. It is the same in churches. Many a secretary has run off with the preacher. Teacher and students, pastors and secretaries, aspiring young women with older bosses... google it, it is easy to find. What I am saying is this, when you stay focused in your marriage, knowing you are responsible and subject to your husband, you will see the dangers are real and will avoid the destruction that happens when you think its old fashion silliness. ~Dad

Oh, A... you are to be subject to your father until you marry that special young man God has for you. And if you never marry, at some point it ends up being to God himself.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband, Part 1: Subject, Titus 2:5

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband: Part 1: Subject

Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

A godly woman has this quality, she is
  • Subject To Her Husband - under one's control, submission to another
    • This woman doesn't follow social norms that call for equality in the home
    • She follows the directives of her husband
    • To her, manipulation of her husband to get what she wants is wrong
    • She will not go around her husband back to thwart his discipline of their children
    • Knowing if is God's plan, she yields to her spouse in spiritual matters.
    • She understands that support of her husband through prayer and encouragement will bring the most successful marriage relationship.

If you want to know the husbands responsibility, just ask... it is more stringent and demanding. The penalties are greater for disobeying.